(This is an exact copy from this
site: I have created this post for my Personal Reference)
In order to get the crawled properties for a document copy the powershell command, this information can be used to create Managed Properties for search.
Function Get-CrawledPropertyNames([string]$DocURL){
$DocURL = $DocURL.Replace("%20"," ")
$webfound = $false
$weburl = $DocURL
while ($webfound -eq $false) {
if ($weburl.Contains("/")){
$weburl = $weburl.Substring(0,$weburl.LastIndexOf("/"))
$web = get-spweb -identity $weburl -ea 0
if ($web -ne $null){
$webfound = $true
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "The Web could not be found"
return -1
$web.GetFile($DocURL).item.xml.Replace("' ", "' `n").Replace("`" ", "`" `n")
#To use enter the url of a file within a doucment library
Get-CrawledPropertyNames "http://sites/doc/file.pdf"
The output: